Azure for Executives

Meeting Supply Chain Challenges in Healthcare and Pharma with Sunil Ghogre and Yogendra Chordia

Episode Summary

Today we are talking with Microsoft partner Schrocken’s Sunil Ghogre and Yogendra Chordia, and Microsoft’s David Houlding about empowering life sciences organizations to meet supply chain challenges.

Episode Notes

COVID-19 has presented major challenges to healthcare, and lately that’s included accelerating the development and delivery of vaccines and therapeutics at scale. Luckily, in recent months we’ve seen an acceleration in the supply lines of delivering vaccines from manufacturers to recipients.

Today we are talking with Microsoft partner Schrocken’s Sunil Ghogre and Yogendra Chordia, and Microsoft’s David Houlding about empowering life sciences organizations to meet supply chain challenges.

Episode Links:

Episode Transcript
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Azure Marketplace Offer
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Ignite Sessions:


Sunil Ghogre has over 30 years of diverse, global experience delivering exceptional manufacturing operations management and supply/sourcing expertise in the Pharmaceutical and Consumer industries.

Follow him on LinkedIn.

Yogendra Chordia is a technologist with 25+ years of enterprise software experience. At Schrocken he is focusing on applying his hi-tech supply chain experience in digitizing biopharma contract manufacturing supply chain.

Follow him on LinkedIn.

David Houlding is the Director of Strategic & Healthcare Engagements for Microsoft Azure. He served as Chair of the HIMSS Blockchain task force for over 2 years, and currently serves as an Advisor to the British Blockchain Association. He has technology interests and specialties in cloud, privacy, security, compliance, blockchain and AI.

Follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter.


Paul Maher is General Manager of the Industry Experiences Team at Microsoft. He was formerly CTO at Milliman.

Follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

David Starr is a Principal Azure Solutions Architect in the Marketplace Onboarding, Enablement, and Growth team at Microsoft. 

Follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Episode Transcription

DAVID STARR: Welcome to the Azure for Executives podcast, the show for technology leaders. This podcast covers trends and technologies in industries and how Microsoft Azure is enabling them. Here, you'll hear from thought leaders in various industries and technologies on topics important to you. You'll also learn how to partner with Microsoft to enable your organization and your customers with Microsoft Azure.  

DAVID STARR: Hello, listeners. Welcome to this episode of the Azure for Executives podcast. Today we’re talking a little bit about pharma and supply chains and how pharma outsources its work to other vendors. So we'll go in-depth on that. And one thing we need to recognize is that Covid-19 has presented some major challenges to healthcare and pharma, in particular. Lately, that's included accelerating the development and delivery of vaccines and therapeutics at scale. So luckily, in recent months, we've seen an acceleration in the supply lines of delivering those vaccines from manufacturers to recipients.  

Today, we're talking with Microsoft partner Schrocken about empowering life sciences organizations to meet supply chain challenges like this. So, let's introduce our guests. Sunil Ghogre has over 30 years of diverse, global experience delivering exceptional manufacturing operations management and supply and sourcing expertise in the pharmaceutical and consumer industries. Sunil, welcome to the show. Yogendra Chordia is a technologist with 25+ years of enterprise software experience. At Schrocken, he is focusing on applying his hi-tech supply chain experience in digitizing biopharma contract manufacturing supply chain. Welcome to the show, Yogendra.

YOGENDRA: Thank you for having us here.  

DAVID STARR: Absolutely. Now, a frequent guest on this show is David Houlding. And David is the Director of Strategic & Healthcare Engagements for Microsoft Azure. He served as Chair of the HIMSS Blockchain task force for over 2 years and currently serves as an Advisor to the British Blockchain Association. He has technology interests and specialties in cloud, privacy, security, compliance, blockchain, and AI. Gosh, that's an awful lot. David, welcome to the show.

DAVID HOULDING: Thanks very much. Great subject looking forward to the chat.

DAVID STARR: Well, let's kick off with maybe a little description of some things that have come out of a recent Microsoft Ignite Conference where we're fresh on the heels of Ignite to some extent. And David, I wonder if you could tell us about some announcements that were made or stories that were told about healthcare initiatives and, in particular, what are some of Microsoft's current initiatives in healthcare?

DAVID HOULDING: Yeah, happy to chime in. And I think we can include some links in the webpage for the podcast as well for those that want to find out more. So for those that missed it, the Ignite conference took place March 2nd through March 4th this year. And there were many great sessions, and the recordings are available on demand. So if you missed it, jump in and drill down where you see interests. So there are a few announcements we wanted to share. One of the first ones was what's new in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. You may have heard of that major cloud initiative around the healthcare industry Microsoft is leading. And the gist of that is Covid-19, as we know, is accelerating digital transformation. And healthcare organizations to remain relevant really require transformation across the organization, including IT, of course. And this announcement included a wide array of new trusted, integrated cloud capabilities which deliver better experiences. So think about patients and healthcare professionals as well that are experiencing burnout with Covid-19 and heavy documentation requirements, improving their experiences but also engaging patients. Patients are the most accountable for their healthcare, generating better insights that empower healthcare professionals with actionable insights to help them make better decisions to improve care, reduce costs, et cetera. And ultimately, of course, better care, improving outcomes, and empowering health team collaboration, so collaboration across the care team, improving patient outcomes in turn. So check out the session recording for this one. Again, the links are going to be on the podcast webpage.  

The second big announcement around Ignite was learn how Microsoft and Intel unlock the potential of edge and AI in healthcare to collect data and turn it into actionable insights. So Microsoft and Intel are working together with World Wide Technology, and it's really to unlock the potential of edge compute and AI in healthcare. And that includes collecting, storing, and managing data real-time at the edge and turning it into actionable insights. This particular session discusses the capabilities and an open-source solution designed using Azure Stack Edge. And the kinds of use cases to think about when we're talking about edge computing in healthcare can also be driven by intermittent connectivity constraints, security and compliance considerations, low latency requirements, and so forth at the point of care. So that’s another recording, and check that out in the notes.  

The third announcement is introduction to mixed reality business apps and real-life use cases in healthcare. So this one you can hear from Mount Sinai Hospital about practical use cases of mixed reality in healthcare and learn about deployment best practices for these kinds of technologies so you can empower your organization with mixed reality today. Using mixed reality to empower surgeons in remote areas to deliver better care, really interesting use cases around training surgeons, telesurgery, engaging patients, and so forth with mixed reality. So it’s a great session there. I invite you to drill down on that and check it out.

And the fourth and last announcement around Ignite I wanted to share was getting started on your healthtech journey. In this session, you can hear about our approach to health innovation and getting started with state-of-the-art AI models for healthcare. That's really at the core of what we call intelligent health, which is all about using AI to generate actionable insights that empower healthcare professionals to make better decisions to meet the goals of healthcare. So again, another great session, lots of great sessions around Ignite. The recording is now available. Check it out in the podcast notes—David, back to you.  

DAVID STARR: Thanks, David, for that. That was a great tour through some of the announcements coming out of Ignite. Appreciate that. And with that, Paul, I'll hand it over to you.

PAUL: Great. Thanks, David and David. And just to say it again, lots of fantastic stuff coming out of Ignite. So we'll share that in the show notes. So now, Sunil, welcome to the show, great to have you here. Of course, point of mind for everyone at the moment with the pandemic going on is vaccines. And vaccine is big news right now and, of course, foremost in many people's minds. From your perspective, what are some of the challenges pharma is facing in outsourcing the core processes?  

SUNIL: Thanks, Paul and David, for inviting us to participate in this important topic. I really appreciate that. So coming back to your specific question, dependence on outsourcing is increasing rapidly than ever before due to lack of in-house technology, speed of execution, capacity constraints, financial viability, and/or lack of volume projections for new product launches. At the same time, pharma companies have full accountability to ensure uninterrupted supply, safety of the product, and compliance irrespective of where their product is manufactured. Thus, pharma companies would like to have the same level of confidence and control as they do when a product is manufactured at their internal sites. Managing outsourcing from external suppliers that are spread across the globe with different time zones and language barriers poses key challenges such as lack of visibility, access to real-time data and documents, and not knowing the exact status of their product in the supply chain. Having gone through these pain points myself while managing Pfizer’s external supply for global API sourcing and formulations, I was looking for a solution that can bridge the gap and bring these external manufacturing sites that are miles away at our fingertips. I believe the Mosymphony platform fills the gap and meets the challenges I just mentioned. Over to you, Paul.

PAUL: Thanks so much, Sunil. And so to Yogendra, can you talk to us a little bit about the technology or trends in healthcare that are making the biggest difference right now?

YOGENDRA: Yeah. Thank you, Paul. And I would like to step back a little bit and talk about the bigger picture, and then we’ll focus back on the supply chain challenges. So bigger picture, everyday research in life sciences industry creates vast new opportunities in the healthcare system to treat patients. The ever-expanding information and data in healthcare is overwhelming and needs smoothening so that it can be utilized effectively. In this context, the healthcare system is increasingly digitized across various major segments like biopharma, pharma, care providers, hospitals, diagnostics, and medical devices that comprise the whole healthcare ecosystem. And on one hand, a lot of advances are made in telemedicine, and using AR and VR is playing a critical role. And on the other hand, internet of medical things is attaining efficiency for the medical devices. And in all this together, AI is playing a huge role, as David Houlding mentioned earlier, and one of the things that we are seeing is happening is in the drug discovery to optimally manage clinical trials.  

Now coming back to Covid-19, the Covid-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented major challenges to the healthcare system, including the urgent need to discover and develop effective vaccines against the virus and then, most importantly, to efficiently distribute and dispense it to the masses (literally billions of people worldwide) in the minimum time. And along with that, this vaccine requires extremely cold temperature and in extreme temperature environment to overcome the catastrophe it caused to human life since 1920.  To rise up to this challenge, in recent months, we have seen extraordinary collaboration between biopharmaceuticals companies and its various stakeholders to not only set a goal to discover, develop and test effective vaccines against Covid-19 but also to manufacture and distribute the vaccine in record time with the quest to save lives, literally lives depend on this vaccine. Although in this pursuit, many limitations in stability and efficacy of vaccine to the manufacturing, distribution, and most importantly, followed by administration of vaccines to masses were experienced.  The sheer scale and logistics of operations caught everyone, including biopharmaceutical companies to healthcare providers like hospitals and clinics providers, off guard. However, this unmet challenge itself created huge opportunities in all spheres to save lives. These challenges accelerate the supply chain digitization & providing end-to-end visibility across the supply chains, some of the things that Sunil mentioned in the discussion.

In another trend, the pharma companies are increasingly emphasizing on developing biologics as medicine as compared with small molecules to provide personalized precision medication, wherein gene and cell therapies are gaining critical mass. Recently, two months back, there are two more CAR-T therapies approved by FDA. These changes are going to accelerate and require re-imagination of the relationship between drug developers, distributors, and insurance companies, and especially for CAR-T vein-to-vein supply chains in case of autologous therapies. This is also an area where end-to-end visibility from the patient, provider, drug manufacturer, contract manufacturer, that Sunil mentioned earlier, specialty distributor and insurance companies will require information on a real-time basis to affect lives that depend on the life-saving third line of therapies. That is the last option for these critically ill patients.

In conclusion, the precision and personalized therapies, along with trends like telemedicine and internet of medical things and challenges encountered like the lack of end-to-end visibility, manufacturing constraint, and last-mile distribution and vaccine administration, will drive further innovation in the industry. The great thing is that as David Houlding highlighted earlier in the conversation, the Microsoft health initiative and Azure platform is providing the critical building blocks for the industry to develop innovative solutions to enhance patient engagement, empower health team collaboration, improve clinical and operational insights, protect health information and ultimately reimagine healthcare as we understand. Thank you.

PAUL: Thank you, Yogendra. It’s an amazing listing here thinking about the pressures that are on the industry driven by the pandemic, but it's also fantastic to hear about how really the industry is coming together with partners like yourselves really working on critical things and solving critical problems. And so with that, I think that's a nice segue to bring everything together. Of course, at Microsoft, we're known as the technology company. We have the platform, but at the core is working with our partners and with our customers. And so, David Houlding, perhaps you could share a little bit about how Microsoft is participating in the trends Yogendra has just described.  

DAVID HOULDING: Yeah, happy to, Paul. And, what I'm seeing is it's all about meeting the urgent needs of Covid-19 right now. And there have been long-lasting and ever-present challenges in healthcare like reducing the cost of care, improving patient outcomes, engaging patients, improving experiences, et cetera. But right now, it's mostly around Covid-19, and of course, vaccines are paramount and quick distribution and scaling vaccine production. So the short of it is Microsoft is really empowering our partners, including Schrocken, with platforms, tools, and partnerships to help them meet the goals of healthcare. And the key use cases I see around blockchain include supply chain, cold chain, improved manufacturing and distribution, especially around vaccines and therapeutics, and personal protective equipment. And the things that Microsoft provides really the platforms it's Azure and other platforms, tools that include artificial intelligence, which is at the center of intelligent health use cases, and of course, blockchain and then partnership to empower Schrocken and healthcare in general, to meet the needs of Covid-19 and beyond.

DAVID STARR: Thanks for that day, David. That is a really interesting take on some of the platforms and tooling that Microsoft is providing for partners like Schrocken to use. So back to you, Sunil, we’ve talked about some of the empowering technologies that are provided by Azure and Microsoft. And you guys have taken advantage of that by creating a product of your own, a solution called Mosymphony. And I'm wondering how Mosymphony is able to help in situations like the one we've been talking about.

SUNIL: Yes, David. So Mosymphony digitalizes the end-to-end supply network by providing a 24x7 real-time collaboration hub. It connects the pharma company with their CMOs seamlessly and in a secured environment. It provides 24x7 access to real-time data, significantly improves quality and regulatory compliances, alerts potential supply interruptions, improves response time, enhances decision making processes, and importantly, all these is achieved at a fraction of a cost than the current cost that requires site visits by various functions and excessive communication.

I would say it is as effective as managing sourcing from their internal sites. In the current pandemic environment that is putting lots of restrictions on on-site visits and face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future, it is the most appropriate time to consider going for Mosymphony. It does foster a trustworthy and mutually beneficial relationship with the pharma companies and their external network due to transparency and data integrity. In summary, it is a better, a faster, and a cost-effective solution, David.

DAVID STARR: Thanks for that explanation. And carrying on with our focus on Mosymphony right now, it is a solution that's available in the Azure Marketplace available for licensing worldwide. So I'm curious as you guys evaluated your move into the Azure Marketplace; what was your motivation to sell your solution there?  

YOGENDRA: Thank you, David. I will get back to that question. But let me first say how the Microsoft Startups program and the Azure Marketplace helped us. Schrocken is at least a startup company. And we were the earliest one to publish a transact-only offer, Mosymphony, that Sunil talked about in the Azure Marketplace. We were thrilled to get this opportunity and worked very closely with Microsoft Program for Startups and Azure team to create a one-of-a-kind distributed SaaS application (Dapps). And that uses the blockchain technology that David Houlding talked about earlier. So this is a real use of blockchain technology to solve a real-world supply chain problem that we discussed earlier on. Coming back to our solution, it was thoroughly validated by the Azure technical team, and our offer and related marketing material, technical architecture, and support plan was reviewed in-depth by the Azure team on a timely basis. This process has prepared us and gave us a lot of confidence to support the large enterprise customers in the pharma industry, where GAMP 5 compliance is a must because lives depend on it. This provision experience has been excellent, and a preview of the offer feature is one of the best to ensure that all the kinks in the offer are worked out before it is published.

Going back to the original question, why did we move to Azure? So one of the key things is accepting this offer from Azure Marketplace has been truly loved by our customers. They see that all the Azure resources get provisioned in one shot with very minimal changes, e.g., firewall settings that need to be accomplished to work with this blockchain solution. It gets fully functional literally within hours, but we can say within days. Implementing such enterprise software powered by blockchain, which is truly distributed in such a short time, is unheard of in the industry.  Another important thing that we liked about Microsoft and having our offer in the Azure Marketplace is it brings us a lot of credibility in front of the pharma industry, which, as anybody can understand, are slow to move because of the regulatory compliance they need to follow. But all in all, this is a great experience for us, and it provides go-to-market opportunities.

DAVID STARR: That's great. You guys have clearly invested pretty deeply in the Azure platform and in the sales model that's provided by the Marketplace. And so I wonder if you could tell us about any best practices may be that we could share with listeners if they were interested in selling solutions on the Marketplace and, in particular, did you guys have to make any business or sales model changes?

YOGENDRA: Absolutely. We got into the Microsoft Startup program, and we decided that we will offer our solution on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. So the lessons learned are it’s a great idea to engage early with the Microsoft team, Azure team, and the startup team. And we have to give enough time to make sure that the offer is thoroughly validated and it provides an enterprise-grade solution. And from the pricing and the sales model perspective, we were thinking of initially selling in the context of SaaS model yearly subscription. But with Azure, everything is on the cloud, and everything is measured in real-time. So we had to change our pricing to have our offer available by the hour. And this is critical because we want to make sure that our offer, the benefit that Sunil mentioned earlier on in the call, has been understood and that the pricing is understood. That way, it can be calculated very easily, and it can be explained to customers easily and to our partners like Microsoft account executives that they also do understand how to pitch these solutions overall.  So those were the few things we have to think through when we get onboarded with Azure Marketplace.  

PAUL: Great. Thanks so much.

YOGENDRA: I can continue around the benefit that we have seen from the GTM, specifically perspective, particularly the digital marketing that has been a tremendous help, including this podcast and us presenting in the Microsoft Partner Showcase. Microsoft assigns us, account executives, depending upon the accounts we have, like the global accounts leads that we are having in Europe, India, U.S. So Microsoft is providing that account executive support. That's huge. We have achieved a co-sell ready status that allows us to have greater visibility in front of larger enterprise customers. And Microsoft also provides us deal tracking in the Partner Center Portal.  

PAUL: That's great. So just pulling everything together, so to our listeners out there, of course, we've mentioned our online Marketplace, so that’s Azure Marketplace and AppSource. Great to hear, Yogendra, some of the motivation of why to move to Marketplace, which we're super excited about, especially providing, in the space of startups, the opportunity to really distribute their software at a geo scale through our Marketplaces quickly and efficiently. And it’s great to hear about the support that you've just mentioned. And so for all the listeners out there, if you're not aware, the Microsoft commercial marketplace, again, that's our storefront for Azure Marketplace and AppSource. We’ll share the links in the show notes, and I’d encourage you to take a look. And it's great to hear, Yogendra and Schrocken, the investment you've made and how it's been beneficial to you.

Let me double-click a little bit now. Yogendra, we talked about Microsoft for Startups. One of the things I enjoy most about my job is getting to work with startups, and I get to spend a lot of time living the experience and course, early-stage startups, in particular, there are lots of things and lots of pressures to be successful. And so let's talk a little bit about the Microsoft for Startups program we have here at Microsoft, which is all about helping startups, early-stage startups in terms of really thinking about both from a business and a technical point of view how they can be successful and also how they can partner with Microsoft. And so with that, Yogendra, can you share a little bit about from your point of view, what was the motivation for joining the Microsoft for Startups program and perhaps the benefits that you've seen from it?  

YOGENDRA: Yes. So, in short, Microsoft for Startup program has been a lifesaver for early-stage enterprise software like us. And we have got tremendous benefit out of this program. And some of those benefits I mentioned earlier are more focused on the GTM, like it is available for worldwide scale just being published in the Azure Marketplace. And along with the account executive support the digital marketing support, they’re ensuring that our offer, once it is published in the Azure Marketplace, it can be supported. It's not only just the offer available but whether we have all the infrastructure to support this large enterprise. So all of this helps us to sell to the enterprise customer and bring that credibility for smaller startups like ours. Joining hands with Microsoft gives a lot of confidence to the larger enterprises so they can get the best of both worlds; one is the innovations from the startup and a rock-solid foundation from the Microsoft Azure technologies.  

PAUL: Fantastic. And David Houlding, perhaps let's take a moment just for all our listeners out there -- and Yogendra, thank you. That's a great accolade: lifesaver, that's a great statement of the value that Microsoft for Startups has provided. David Houlding, perhaps you could talk a little bit about, for our listeners who would like to know more, what the program is, how they get involved. Could you share some thoughts?  

DAVID HOULDING: Yeah, happy too. So Microsoft for Startups is really where B2B startups scale worldwide with Microsoft. And so great business and technical benefits which are really about empowering healthcare startups and other industries, of course, but certainly healthcare. And when I say healthcare, I mean health and life sciences are covering provider, payer, pharma, life sciences worldwide. But it's all about empowering these startups across the industry segments to scale worldwide with Microsoft and partners, which includes the co-sell program, the CSP or Cloud Solution Provider program, and all kinds of other programs. You've got the Marketplace programs that augment Microsoft for Startups as well. So Microsoft for Startups can also provide Azure credits to get started on the platform. Lots of great information about this program at We'll include that in the show notes; check it out. Reach out to your startup accelerator or incubator for how to engage with Microsoft for Startups program.

PAUL: Great. Thank you, David. And again, I appreciate it to the Schrocken team. Again, it’s great, and you've heard it here, a great statement of the value proposition of Microsoft for Startups. So, as David said, please go check it out, So pulling things together, David Houlding, we talked a lot here. It's great to hear from the Schrocken team about how the industry is today and the value proposition that Schrocken has been bringing. We talked about the technology changes and innovation. As we pull it all together and we've talked about, of course, Microsoft Startups, and we talked about the Microsoft commercial marketplace again, that’s the online storefront, both Azure Marketplace and AppSource.  

And so as we close the show off and for our listeners, as we think about programs that are offered to Marketplace partners now -- So I'm going to go back to Marketplace because it may be new to folks. We’ve talked about what Marketplace is. You've had from the Schrocken team their motivation to move. But could you share a little bit more, David, about what to expect from Marketplaces? Perhaps some of our listeners are learning about Marketplace or looking to go on that journey to take their software solutions, put them on Marketplace, and obviously grow that business using the Microsoft commercial marketplace as a new vehicle to drive business growth. Can you share a little bit more about what they can expect, David?  

DAVID HOULDING: Yeah, absolutely. And you've heard several references to Marketplace throughout the podcasts; it’s good to drill down on that little bit. And so everybody knows about Azure and Cloud. Think of Marketplace as where you go to get enterprise solutions to be able to procure them, provision them, deploy them worldwide. So our team really offers programs to accelerate key partners, including Schrocken and many others, to publish transactable offers on Marketplace. And what a transactable offer is, is it really enables the rapid procurement provisioning and deployment of solutions such as Mosymphony, and that can happen worldwide at scale. So really interesting benefits including for urgent needs like Covid-19, getting your solution up on the Marketplace. People can procure, provision, and deploy it worldwide. You can get incredible scale with the Marketplace. So once these kinds of transactable offers are published, we follow up with, go-to-market partnership with our partners. And Yogendra mentioned the healthcare partner showcase webcast. Of course, this podcast is part of the go-to-market partnership we do. And it's really all about helping them grow worldwide. And that includes both co-marketing and co-selling-directed sales collaboration around key customers. So Marketplace has some really interesting synergies with blockchain. We know blockchain is very much a network effect type technology. As the consortium for the blockchain grows and snowballs, Marketplace can really offer a path to be able to rapidly procure, provision, and deploy new blockchain nodes and the surrounding IT infrastructure. Blockchain nodes can often have other IT infrastructure around it, so think of that package. It can be rapidly procured, provisioned, and deployed through the Marketplace and help the blockchain consortium grow quickly.  

So the one thing I would add here is the Marketplace can help with solutions that are either deployed to the Azure tenant of the customer or the Azure tenant of the partner for a SaaS hosted solution. So it’s very flexible in that respect. One of the powerful incentives we should mention around the Marketplace for customers is something we call the MACC incentive program. MACC, M-A-C-C is the Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment. And this is really an incentive for customers that enables them to include their spend on the Marketplace on eligible solutions, which includes Mosymphony, which is MACC incentive eligible, but they can include the spend on those solutions towards satisfying their Azure commitment. So customers often make Azure commitments to get a better rate on use of Azure, and then they can go about satisfying their Azure commitment, of course through their Azure usage but now also through procurement of eligible solutions off the Marketplace. So definitely check out the Mosymphony solution on the Azure Marketplace. Again, there'll be a link in the notes. Thank you, Paul.  

PAUL: Thanks, David. Fantastic. David Starr, I'll come back to you to close things out.  

DAVID STARR: Yeah. Before we do, I just want to thank David again for drilling down on Marketplace and giving us a complete picture of some of the benefits there. Good stuff. We are, as Paul mentioned, at the end of our show here, and we could go on for a while looking at the issues that we've talked about throughout the show. But it is time to close out. And with that, I would like to thank both Sunil and Yogendra for being on the show today and really appreciate your perspectives and all of the good stuff you bring.

SUNIL: Thank you, David, for including us. I really enjoyed the session. Thank you very much.

YOGENDRA: Thank you, David, Paul.

DAVID STARR: Thank you for joining us for this episode of the Azure for Executives podcast. We love hearing from you. And if you have suggestions for topics, questions about issues discussed on the show, or other feedback, contact the show host, David Starr or Paul Maher, through the social media links included in the show notes for each episode. We look forward to hearing from you.